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Article: Membrane resonance enables stable and robust gamma oscillations.

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Moca VV; Nikolic D; Singer W; Mureşan RC
Cereb. Cortex, 2014

Table 2.

Simulation and network parameters

Category Parameter name IF-IF IF-RES IF-RF
Simulation Number of trials 20
Trial duration (ms) 6000
Integration step (ms) 0.1
Stim. On (ms) 1000
Stim. Off (ms) 5000
Network Lattice size 25 × 25 (625 neurons)
Percentage of E neurons 80%
Percentage of I neurons 20%
Connectivity PE 0.3
PI 0.65
rE 0.3
rI 0.2
PEl 0.2
PIl 0.2
Neuron types E neuron E_IF
I neuron I_IF I_RES I_RF
Synapses Maximum delay (ms) 3
EE reversal potential (mV) 0
EI reversal potential (mV) 0
IE reversal potential (mV) -90
II reversal potential (mV) -90
EE maxSyAmp 0.022 0.011 0.022
EI maxSyAmp 0.022 0.011 0.0065
IE maxSyAmp 0.2 0.2 0.15
II maxSyAmp 0.0275 0.035 0.01
EE decay constant (ms) 3
EI decay constant (ms) 3
IE decay constant (ms) 5
II decay constant (ms) 5
MINIs Glutamate to E neurons scaling 0.0625
Glutamate to I neurons scaling 0.09 0.00719 0.0035
GABA to E neurons scaling 0.04
GABA to I neurons scaling 0.04 0.0049 0.00224
Glutamate to E neurons decay constant (ms) 3
Glutamate to I neurons decay constant (ms) 3
GABA to E neurons decay constant (ms) 5
GABA to I neurons decay constant (ms) 5
Glutamate MINIs release probability 0.09
GABA MINIs release probability 0.02
Input current Sine frequency (Hz) 0.5
Sine amplitude to E neurons (nA) 1
Sine amplitude to I neurons (nA) 0.465 0.07 0.034
Sine offset to E neurons (nA) 1
Sine offset to I neurons (nA) 0.465 0.07 0.034

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Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source